Yikes! Wondering where those fly-like pests in your house are coming from? Do a few fly away every time you water or mist a certain plant? It’s likely fungus gnats. These pesky insects are fairly easy to get rid of with these 4 natural, at-home steps below.
Surprisingly, air quality indoors is often worse than outdoors. Certain plants have been researched for their ability to filter harmful pollution. So by bringing a bit of the outside in, we may be able to help create a healthier living space.
Due to the fact that the indoor environment changes during winter, houseplants need to be cared for differently during the colder period of the year too. Accounting for temperature adjustments, sunlight changes, and moisture fluctuations, we’ll assess how to provide the best conditions for indoor plants. Use these crucial tips to keep your plant healthy through those chilly, dark months.
Aloe vera has proven itself as one of the best household plants because it’s incredibly easy to grow. Not only is it simple to maintain, but this popular succulent is also edible and can be used topically (specifically the thick, viscous, translucent inner gel portion of leaves). In fact, aloe has been around for thousands of years and has a longstanding purpose in traditional and holistic medicine.
We’re shedding a little light on the already uber-trendy plant, Monstera. You may also know it as the Swiss cheese plant, Mexican breadfruit, fruit salad plant, or even incorrectly as the split leaf philodendron. Learn about the origin, care, and interesting facts of this tropical houseplant as we specifically focus on Monstera deliciosa species.
Some indoor plants are unsafe for cats to consume— and in fact, can be toxic upon ingestion. So it’s best to do a quick check before bringing that plant baby home to coexist with our little curious creatures. We’ve compiled a list of 10 indoor plants that are cat-friendly as well as super easy to maintain. With these houseplants, you can rest assured that kitty’s curiosity won’t bring harm.
Going on vacation, a quick trip, or leaving for the holidays? Not sure what to do about those plants that you’ve worked so hard to maintain? We have 6 tricks and tips that’ll keep your plants healthy from afar. These pointers will also help you relax and rest assured that all is well back home with your plant babies!