With wavy leaves and distinctive markings, the rattlesnake plant gets its name from its appearance— reminiscent of the slithering creature. This houseplant makes a wonderful statement in any room with vibrant greens and shapely foliage. For a Calathea, the rattlesnake plant is considered one of the most simple. People love this indoor plant for its striking looks as it can be staged ornamentally as a floor or table accent. Being part of the prayer-plant family, the leaves of this plant will rise at night (into ‘pray’ position).
Size: 4-6" (pot diameter)
Scientific Name: Calathea lancifolia
Common Names: Rattlesnake plant, Rattlesnake Calathea, Goeppertia insignis
Appearance: Oblong leaves with wavy edges. The lime-green foliage is decorated with alternating small and large hunter green ovals. The undersides of the leaves are deep purple.
Origin: Brazilian rainforests
Enjoys: Humidity and warmth. As a Calathea, this plant is more sensitive to environmental changes. In the wild, it is found on the forest bed where it receives dappled sunlight and weather-related protection from the tree canopy above.
Care: Water regularly, allowing the surface soil to partially dry out before watering again. For light, a spot with moderate brightness is best (but no direct sun rays).
Temp: 60-85° F
Growth: Indoors, can grow to about 3 feet
Level of Simplicity: Moderate, as most Calathea plants require a little extra attention
Toxicity: Considered non-toxic (to cats, dogs, humans)
Processing time: 3-5 business days (more details)
Being that each live plant is completely unique, the plant you receive may vary slightly in size, shape, appearance.
Shipped as shown, in nursery growing container. ‘Care Cards’ with detailed information will be sent electronically!