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Watermelon Peperomia Complete Houseplant Guide

watermelon peperomia houseplant with crystal

With leaves of alternating silver and green markings, the Watermelon Peperomia resembles that favorite juicy, summer treat! A crowd pleaser for many reasons, this indoor plant is low-maintenance, pet-friendly, and considered an air-purifier. Let’s dive a little deeper to learn all about the origins, care, and tips for the Watermelon Peperomia. 

Scientific Name: Peperomia argyreia

Common Names: Watermelon Peperomia; Watermelon Begonia; Peperomia sandersii

Origin: South America, specifically Brazilian forests 


The Watermelon Peperomia’s proper, scientific name is Peperomia argyreiawith ‘argyreia’ translating to ‘silvery’ and referring to the shimmery leaves. This plant has tear-drop shaped leaves with a smooth, waxy texture. As mentioned, the plant resembles the outside of a watermelon with its green and silver striping. The stems are a contrasting deep red and the plant can produce greenish-cream spiked blooms.  

When it comes to growth, the Watermelon Peperomia stays fairly compact and can reach about 12 inches tall and wide. But the leaves can get quite large, with some even spanning about 5 inches. 

watermelon peperomia 4 inch plant

Indoor Care:  


Preferring medium levels of light, Watermelon Peperomia will require indirect light, with zero direct sun exposure. Direct sunlight can leave the plant with leaf burns. For the best lighting conditions, consider placing this indoor plant near a west or east facing window. 

Even if your space has lower light, this plant will likely be just fine as it can handle various levels. But we recommend monitoring it to make sure it’s getting sufficient amounts (aka check to make sure it’s not droopy, that growth isn’t stunted, or that leaves aren’t suffering). 

Buy Online:  Watermelon Peperomia— 4 Inch


Watermelon Peperomia will thrive when watered sparsely. It’s specifically important to never overwater since peperomia are sensitive to too much moisture. To know when to water, check the soil and make sure that it’s about halfway dry before watering again. If you’re unsure if your plant needs water (considering it’s otherwise happy and healthy), then go ahead and wait a couple of days. When peperomia are thirsty, the stems and leaves will subtly start to droop. You’ll notice them perk back up shortly after watering. 


Watermelon Peperomia have small roots, so they really don’t need to be repotted often. In fact, they quite like being slightly pot bound. To know when to repot, we recommend checking the root system about once every couple of years, And if roots are starting to heavily coil or grow out of the bottom holes of the pot, then it’s a good idea to pot up a size. Always remember to use a very well-draining soil when repotting. Peperomia will not tolerate soggy soil and too much moisture can lead to root rot. 

close up watermelon peperomia leaf


During the warmer months (spring through summer), the Watermelon Peperomia will appreciate a dose of fertilizer about once a month. However, keep in mind that the delicate roots will not appreciate over doing. We recommend a water soluble houseplant fertilizer, diluted to about half the recommended strength. Even when used sparingly, fertilizer is imperative for potted plants to survive and thrive!

Extra Care:

If you’re up for the adventure, you can easily propagate Watermelon Peperomia. If the plant is in great shape and healthy, simply cut away a stem or two and place in water until (hopefully!) roots start to grow. Once roots have grown you can transplant the cutting into soil. While this method can be one of trial and error, it’s at least fun to try! 


Bugs and disease are actually quite rare with Watermelon Peperomia once again making it a fabulous indoor plant! 

Toxicity:  Considered non-toxic and safe around cats, dogs, humans, etc. 

watermelon peperomia indoor plant

Perfect for beginners or pet-friendly households the Watermelon Peperomia is a wonderful houseplant choice for any space. Since it stays compact we often see it sprucing up kids rooms, bathrooms, and offices. Let us know if you have any questions about this fun, glittering plant.

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